Kathleen and Don are both doctors, married, and 30 years old

They are maxing out their 401(k)s
$54,000 excess they would like to save for retirement

How should they invest their money? ​

Supplementing their 401(k) with taxable investments​

401(k) at 65 > $4,230,608
Taxable at 65 >$3,439,184

Annual cash flow after taxes​ $408,231​

Supplementing their 401(k) with taxable investments and Life Insurance

401(k) at 65 > $4,230,608
Taxable at 65 > $1,910,658
Insurance cash at 65 > $2,469,131

Annual cash flow after taxes​ $514,713

Here are the results for Kathleen and Don

Taxes Net Cash Flow
401(k) and Taxable Investments ONLY $98,461 $408,231
401(k), Taxable Investments and Life Insurance $86,487 $514,713

Death Benefit at age 92 → $364,085*

Added Annual Cash Flow → $106,482​

An example is hypothetical and for illustrative purposes.​

*Death benefit will decrease over time (e.g. approx. $73,000 at Age 95; $10,000 at Age 100) but invoking the Overloan Protection riders will guarantee the policies will not lapse​

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