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Protecting Your Financial Future in Today’s Market

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What is in this Presentation?

Today we are facing one of the most significant economic declines as a direct result of an unprecedented global health crisis: COVID-19. Nothing has prepared our country for this pandemic economically or health-wise, and no country is left immune. Why this crisis is so detrimental to the global economy is that it is operating in an environment with a high degree of uncertainty. Contributing drivers such as the shortage of COVID-19 testing and no viable vaccine continue to widen existing health gaps and have forced the U.S. government to institute social distancing policies with the intent to help control the spread of the virus and strain on the health system. Past actions and current circumstances will continue to impact the demand for goods and services and drive even greater pressure on the earnings of businesses both large and small. For or against these government actions, which are centered around the country’s health of its citizens, is not the debate of this paper. The focus of this paper is to educate on actionable steps to protecting one’s financial future in today’s uncertain time. In order to properly understand the different types of risk and how to potentially address them, the following topics will be examined:

Key Topics Covered

Where We Were: The U.S. economy prior to the COVID-19 pandemic
What Changed: How COVID-19 spread globally and the U.S. government’s response
Where We Are Now: The current U.S. health guidelines and economic status
How History Can Guide Us: Government spending’s impact and market recovery spans
Key Takeaways: What information can be utilized to base future financial decisions
Action Steps: What you can consider doing today to protect your financial future

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